
South East European Journal of Sustainable Development- SEEJSD



The South East European Journal of Sustainable Development (SEEJSD) is a biannual journal published by the “Mother Teresa” University – Skopje. The countries of the region are undergoing a transitional process and their respective societies are still struggling to devise sustainable solutions to social development, regardless if it has to do with economic development, education, the environment, social issues, or technical and technological advancements. The SEEJSD is therefore aimed at bringing forward research on sustainable development with a focus on South East Europe. Research central to other regions is also welcome as this can reflect methods of learning and experience sharing from other countries with similar experiences and challenges to the SEE countries.

SEEJSD areas of research and publication include:

  • Challenges to sustainable development
  • Environmental development and managing climate change
  • Education and Innovation
  • Social welfare and development
  • Technical and technological advances and their advantages or disadvantages
  • Economic development, growth and policies
  • The methodology of studying sustainable development